Friday, June 10, 2011

New Display Table

We are coming right along....
I am waiting for one last delivery.  I ordered some cool jewelry & more small gifts.
I found this beat up sweet little table, on the side of the road!  But I forgot to take a before pic, I get so excited to start projects I forget befores.
It was so dirty & the leather on top was ripped bad.  So I gave it a face lift!!

I added some sheet music to the top, distressed & atiqued it a bit. The whole table has a new white coat of paint.  Luv it!!!
I am using it to display the jewelry I have on order.
I made a tree to display it on & can't wait to finish it up!!

I play, & paint & decorate all day long.  
Whats not to luv!!!!


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Looks great Bunny ! Hope all is going well (())

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Bunny, how is it going being a shop owner? I bet it is fun, busy, and exhasuting!
