Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mid October Happeningsss. . .

So here is our little Booth at the Apple Festival.
It was a beautiful Fall day!!  But quite windy.... so windy in fact that 10 mins before the official open of the show, our tent blows up & away 2 rows over!! Soooo very embarrassing, but thank god no one was hurt.
So we were in full sun all day, and lost most of my hanging items, no room for them.  But looked very festive anyway!
My friend makes the Aprons, I adore this Christmas Cupcake apron!!  They will be in the shop for an adorable Christmas Display till Christmas  :o)
You can check out more of her designs at Mama & Madison

Here are the New Glitter Houses I have made. 
Three different sizes & the top comes off & you can put LED candles inside or little treasures.  They are hand painted & glittered.  I bleached & decorated bottle brush trees.  There is a full collection of hand painted ornaments also in the shop.

I started some Holiday Displays at the Shop today ~
I trimmed the tree, but is not finished yet. . .

This is the first year I am really offering Red for Christmas!!  But of course it is Vintage Inspired.   More ornaments due in this week. 

These Gold deer are stunning!  
  More to come, but this is a start.


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