Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spring Time Gardening

Spring Time Family Fun

I can't paint & decorate every day!!  Sometimes I need to dig in the Dirt.    Well my kids are right next to me as always!
Fixed up the bird bath water fountain, moved a few roses to a sunnier spot in the front.  Weeded real good, I hope!   Redid the entire front flower bed.  here is just a little part of it.

So while Hubby & I are busy, the kids amuse themselves...
She rode all over the yard, allll dayyyy... the battery is charging now.

Our boy was hard at work on his own "garden"
He installed some Solar Lighting,  put down pavers he found from all my gardens & built a new flower bed.  Put new soil in the new bed.  He picked out a beautiful flower from the depot.  Flowers for the new flower bed to come soon.... but seeds are planted.  He is just like his mama!!

Here it is almost finished.  He is sooo very proud of himself!!
We are too! 
Hope you had a wonderful weekend outside too!
Happy Spring 
~ Bunny


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